since I pledged my troth with thee – at times wondering if the decision amiss my affinity, cupidity, fidelity and integrity hardly contributed to wed did bliss blithely paying lip service to birthday hardly enhances the marriage, thus miss
stir Matthew Scott Harris makes this overtures to acknowledge your day of birth the years spent with you overlooked acknowledging july sixth, and such a dearth does emotional/spiritual injustice, and undermines warmth felt at home n hearth
thus I set before myself the task to attempt some semblance alack of recognition per your existence, which exercise harkens back contra dancing at Summit Presbyterian Church coupled with tension and flack at that time (decades ago) diving rod nada so sterling induced pants to jack late lee with a bulge – at that stage of my life hormonal secretion owner of a hyperactive ***** horniness da schmuck did not lack simian sentiments summoned woody to wedge with a wick whack
into tulip pinkish curtains that parted to usher my nada so sterling rod though frequently premature ******* found ***** hairs like clump of sod where ma screwy tool (fueled with fur n zee for finger lick kin fricassee) trod upon a carnal, feral, infernal landscape as a limp biscuit re: dough like wod
whereby whoosh spurted ***** from excitable minute man – a prickly chum diminished satisfactory ****** ******* when geyser of sticky gum expelled forth geyser like – rivaled old faithful spewing genetic ***
yet despite predilection toward ******* hair trigger – betwixt us we begot deux darling daughters – wove from the warp and woof beginning as a dot yet fertility brought womb – supposedly, a self cleaning oven just hot enough to massage each “bun in the oven” until gestation *** pleated plot though now progeny young women themselves – I ponder if ***** may rot and atrophy into a shriveled mummified tartan pattern matted splot since testosterone took torpedo kamikaze nose dive e’er since ***** did trot
into the vaginal vortex and managed to cashier from mine ***** bank fire off from the mint at least one non blank when phallus retained an ******* juiced long enough to crank out gooey gunk from me miniature frank hence twas grate of ye to spread yar legs a task I thank
without your participation this anniversary of abby robin harris debut two prized offspring (both born during winter) fatherhood he thankfully knew.