i don't think there's a disparity between men being more prone to painting, and women being more prone to writing... you ever seen a make-up tutorial? you see how much "painting" a woman makes comprehensible, to affix herself the status of a mona lisa / madonna... no amount of poetry goes into her make-up routine... as a man, you really do get a chance to paint a mona lisa... given that women spend so much time pampering themselves; most of the time i'm repeating words from hotel transylvania... where frank farts behind murray's (the mummy's) back while talking... just the words: you're kidding me, right? this is in relation to a youtuber: chloe arden... oh believe me, i have a godmother that has a deep voice... and she didn't shave her legs... being a doctor and all... this is a teenager's prank of, what can't be a "transgender" motif... no man, however "trans" gender prone they are, can compete with a woman's skill for applying make-up... they might, say... tell you something about painting on a blank canvas... say... picasso's the three dancers.... but make-up? that's what i'm referencing... you're kidding me, right? western society, has, really, become, a, synonym, for, an, asylum; prescribing children a.d.h.d. medication... is, as sadistic, as, giving a cat some l.s.d.; the ******* won't even drink milk these days! not like in the classic cartoons... the've become lactose intolerant.