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May 2017
There is a sea in me,
That nobody can see,
Don’t want anyone to feel,
It’s closed with a seal.

It’s a mix of emotions,
With a mark of caution,
As it’s a sea of nightmare,
It has everything to be scared.

As the waves hit high,
As it makes me cry,
I am torn to piece by piece,
Leaving me with no peace.

As it roars to life,
It ****** worse than knife,
It shouts at me from inside,
Asking me to stay out of sight.

In me its always active,
And it sure sounds destructive,
But to say in present reality,
I enjoy my sea sadly.

It makes me complete,
It  helps me to compete,
It knows me inside out,
One who would never doubt.

It’s the sea inside me,
And I own my sea,
As to say it’s the only one,
Reminds me the things done.
Written by
Krishna  24/F/India
   Benji James
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