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May 2017
White stands for purity.
Everything starts out this way,
even the devil.

Yellow is for life.
There is life in everything,
just take it all in.
Stop holding onto grudges,
one upping the component.

Blue is just what happens.
Everything sometimes makes you feel blue,
but it's mainly just a favorite color to some.

Pink stands for comfort.
Find comfort in everything you have.
I could wish people let that part go,
but I don't want people to feel bad anymore.

Black stands for death.
No matter how many wrongs we try to right,
no matter how many fights we win,
we all will die.

Red stands for blood.
Or roses, maybe a nice lipstick color. Possibly someone's hair, a shirt that they wear, or maybe just a shinny new hat.
Have you figured the colors out yet?
Written by
bluevelvet  24/the same as you
(24/the same as you)   
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