They say actions speak louder than words, if so, Why do they pearce though the skin like a sharp knife all the way to my heart? Why isn't there any effective medication to help me heal, to help me forget. I may resolt to alcohol or get high now and then to drown my pain, but we know what's high gotta come down, And as I get lower and the alcohol departs my body, so does the pain return I remember having a bad accident when I was 8 years old, very big painful scar on my face. Pain was both physical and emotional But looking at me now, I forgot I ever had one It healed **** this hurts like hell, Pardon for I don't really know what Hell looks like, or how Hell feels, But if there was ever a way to describe hell, it surely would be the way I feel now
For now, I'm letting go, Pain can't hold me hostage no more You got no hold on me no more I'm setting myself free..