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May 2017
A liability,
she causes destruction
with the way her hands softly
touch the skin of those
she longed to

She's a firefly.
It doesn't take much
to get to her why.

I let her out,
roam around,
being able to prowl.

It's a raised eyebrow,
devil smirk that
does the work.

Was it asked what
the problem was?
Was it silence?
Was it,
"Don't worry, sit tight.
You're gonna make
me a beautiful bride"?
Maybe it was,
"No sweat, no strife.
I'm gonna ruin a life."

She just likes to
fond at it lovingly.
A memory of a math book,
one word greeting.
She could tell he was
already high.
A memory of what never
could have ever been.

It's simple, honestly.
If he wants you girl,
he'd have already
given you his world.
Don't you ever forget.
Written by
bluevelvet  24/the same as you
(24/the same as you)   
   Jamadhi Verse
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