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May 2017
i used to fight as a colt, 6 or 7.... being my age,
i used to knuckle and dust...
it was fun... then again at 14 or 15...
punching this irish in the kidneys...
     he later became a bouncer
standing at some odd spots
outside of nightclubs...
i haven't been in a fight since then...
     boxing with rhetoric
  isn't fighting, to be exact...
since it's only "boxing"...
       i can't remember being
in a fight of late... so how do i compensate?
i try to be a pervert,
   "touching up" a male cat's genitals...
i never do, because he comes at my hand,
biting and scratching it...
                   yep... and that's
equivalent to shrimps on a swing
singing: way way... wave!
              what a lot of odd *******...
i really do miss the odd rough & tumble
as a kid...
    when it was only between two boys,
that had a disinterest in girls...
or had no knowledge of the existence of...
the stated special compliment...
**** me... no... not special akin to a christmas
present, via thesaurus rex: unique...
          sss.... p'eh...       sh... al....
                no, wait, that's the christmas present...
dry-s, s,          p'eh          ti- -e- -al.
        s'pé'tial....  the 3rd syllable
being akin to the teleppone... or:
                     dial, dial *******! dial!
don't know about now...
6ft1... over 100 kilograms?
                       would i be good at boxing?
it was so fun fighting when i was a kid...
         well... i know i can drink someone out
of their braging capacity to down a 70cl bottle of
          sure sure, it might take me 2   /   3 hours...
but i'm making cocktails...
   and listening to cedric 'im' brooks
            satta masa ganna
humming along to: and that too equates to:
the last king of scotland, who took a stab at
                                             ruling zimbabwe.
i can't remember when i was in a fight,
if it wasn't being aged 6, or 7...
      i guess the only violent act i'm capable of
these days, is drinking 700...
and sitting "dumb", silent, "stupid",
                attempting to harvest a nod.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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