"Healing...you need healing..." Healing? what did that mean? Why? I was good...wasn't I ? Clueless i just meandered through life..and Hello! Hello!Guess who knocked on my door...?
He used his fingernail on the scratch card of my sleeping senses looking for a prize... And uncovered the silvery covering... revealing a pinched nerve...freed now... My pen started bleeding words on to paper... Poems...and now i cant seem to stop...
Poems tumble out...sugar-sweet whimsical..love-filled *****...for His lips in my hair...for the moan when He kisses my ear... for His tongue in my teeth.. for arms around my waist.... for His symetrical smile...for things felt...and not felt...
Poems tumble out....for Him knowing me to my core... For the **** and the silly.. for the loud teasing and the whispers...for the scratch of his stubble ... for the nudge of his nose... on my neck, my face.... for the music...for the humour...
Poems tumble out.... for Him... because of Him... and I'm not going to stop. Oh and I healed....