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May 2017
new job at the funeral parlor
i have a new job it seems.
it's at a funeral parlor.
it's not the job of my dreams,
but it will do for a starter.
i write poetry to keep myself awake,
and i need the job quite badly,
so i can't afford, sadly, the same mistake
it was last month i lost my gig
for drinking on the job,
but the jury was probably rigged,
'cause it's not like i'm a slob
it's drinking that makes me happy.
it's not like i take hard drugs.
though it may appear quite sappy
i'm not like those other lugs
the job is pretty simple:
each hour i walk around.
i check the locks, i punch a clock;
i don't even walk the grounds.
is there really need for my job?
it's not like the dead will walk
or there's anything to rob
'cause there's nothing here in stock.
the lights just flickered right now.
a thunder storm is approaching,
but there's not a cloud, i avow,
so is subject worth broaching?
today is tuesday; i return
from making my rounds and found
something strange. there were lights burning
when there's no one else around
it's later; lights were on again.
i'm starting to think i'm crazy,
'cause the doors are locked, but then
i know i can be quite lazy
later, there's casket in that room,
which was not in there before.
i do not want to portend gloom,
so i quickly closed the door
but i find that sight quite haunting
and i am more than a bit scared.
what is that lone casket wanting?
are my faculties impaired?
Written by
Austin, TX
(Austin, TX)
Ryan Holden
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