well, that was hoped for, otherwise water would have no universal quality, that ascribes it to provide for, every single species of animal; but, mostly man. bugt how does water in ice-cube form, travel outside of its "container": either a cermaic cup, or a glass, to form a water-ring beneath the container? water in, ice-cube form? i'm pretty sure that water without ice-cubes, settled in form at room temp. wouldn't create a water-ring beneath the container... i have only one answer... water in ice-cube form behaves like liquid nitrogen... liquid nitrogen forms a cloud while it evaporates... water can have the properties of liquid nitrogen, in ice-cube form, it will evaporate, like liquid nitrogen out of its container, whether ceramic, or glass, and form a water ring, beneath the container... obviously water doesn't behave liken liquid nitrogen in the all familiar spectacularness of extremes... water is more subtle when compared to liquid nitrogen... you can't see water evaporating... like you might see liquid nitrogen do so... but how else would water, contained in a cup of either glass or ceramics... create a water circle at the base, if it wasn't in liquid nitrogen imitation guise, that was less spectacular and, "invisible" to the naked eye?