Intricate matrixes of words Strung delicately one after another, Flowing from unseen fountain, Flowing beneath a cryptic mountain Melding Into one another, so far as I can see it Nothing absolute can be created from the puddle That’s collected all my muddled thoughts, Stagnate, is indignant to the fact that life survives in motion, Lost to the notion that change is not bearable But instead it is, it is inevitable. Tell that to the cryptic mountain resisting the change Holding on so desperately to every spec of dirt, Until in turn gravity tears it from its grip. Yes the mountain is grounded But is it equipped? Water is quick. But it just moves dirt and mountains that spent An eternity building up , and what kind of Grounding is earth hurdling back toward earth? Astounding yes, resounding in your heart and head Your aspirations bounding? Remaining unchanged, Except a small tilt in your perception so insignificant You don’t know that gravity just stole a spec of your dirt. You have on a micro level come unearth But regardless of your element you will be Subjected to the erosion until you are a flat plain, Or a calm stream or eventually a stagnate puddle. But you would never know That you are the highest humbled, The grandest grounded, and if you can puddle Without being stagnate you are the ocean Until you were there you wouldn’t know it would you? Well unless you read I said it, then maybe then, But again I doubt it.