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May 2017
My thoughts were corrupted and all I can sense were the inkling of some vividly fresh memories I kept from the days I've known you. These fresh memories that reminds me that somehow for the first time in the longest time I could actually fall in love into someone. I can feel the butterflies flutter in my stomach. I can managed a flirty gasps when your message popped up. I can feel the reddening of my ear when your name resounds somewhere else. It's a good beginning for a fresh love. Isn't it?
But darling, I choose to end this beginning sooner than I thought. I didn't want to, I HAVE TO. This madness I think is too beautiful that it should end up sooner than it begins. Sooner before I drown myself on my own-self made pool. As they say, all good things must come to an end. It's just ours ended sooner than I expected. Better than I expected, I guessed. This is the end and I can't still figure it out if it ended too tragic or too beautiful. I hope it's the latter. Dear, I want you to know that it was never my intent to fall as much as getting hurt. I was lured by false hopes and forget that possibility don't exist in a world like ours. But don't worry I'm on my way to renounce all the love I have for you. Again, I didn't want to, I HAVE TO. It's for myself. For me to begin again. Half-hoping that I will never meet you again halfway. If I do I might trip off again and fall. So please honey, I'm letting you go now hoping that this is the best for both of us. And if we will meet again at some point, I'm begging you choose the other way. The way that will lead you somewhere else, not on me. I guess I have the right on that favor knowing that I do the sacrifice now. At least do me that favor. Thank you. I know you will. And if someday time permits me to tell all this, I will be brave enough to tell you that yes, I do fall in love with you in the shortest span of time.

Alaska Young
Written by
Alaska Young  Paper Town
(Paper Town)   
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