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May 2017
I used to thirst for this
I used to lay awake at night never ending ideas on what I wanted to write
I used to have so much passion for this
I haven't written since October because any word I said would've been a lie
I've been in hibernation waiting for the passion and drive to return
But I feel as if I'm wasting my time
I used to speak to much now I talk to little
This winter has been harsh I feel like a dog in a kennel on the side of the road slowly freezing to death quiet because of lost  hope
I used to want this but this winters been harsh
not everyone made it
But the sun still shines
So I guess I better reevaluate my part
Taken before their time your memory forever in my heart and mind
The sun still shines and with is ends the hibernation of my mind
Simon Woodstock
Written by
Simon Woodstock
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