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May 2017
These old bones
that I have selfishly made
my only home
carry me to places
of the unknown.
They take me far away,
the place I'd spent most
of my days one year.
But I am greeted with
emptiness and regret.
I search the dirt sands,
digging with my weak hands.
My tears make puddles
that turn into mud.
I scream your name,
the words only met with
my heart like blank duds.
I stand and clean the dirt off.
I am no longer needed here,
so my feet take off.
I end up near the place
that I first started.
Heart in a race,
I find your face.
"Can't you see?
People can change.
Why didn't you tell me
instead of playing a game
of hide and seek?"
But I'm only met
with a pistol to my brain.
With my body riddled with meek,
I find that this bridge is nothing
but ashes under your feet.
Tears fall from my eyes,
the eyes that tries but never finds
what my heart yearns to meet.
I will spend a lifetime
using the liquid unseen,
trying to wash away
the blackened dust
for being someone
you will never
...and I'd be the one you thought you'd find.

He looks like you in that music video.
Written by
bluevelvet  24/the same as you
(24/the same as you)   
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