For those men and women now silent who stood in the cold night To those who combed the deserts and those who gave their lives For those who fought shoulder to shoulder in fears and blood And danced with death in chilling dawns who froze in winters bitter breath
For those who laid in the trenches who whispered of peace and muttered of hopes and home to be Right nor wrong holds no place on this day, For thee stepped up, for thee stepped forward For those who chose to defend and those who didn’t this country I call home
── And we shall remember all of thee
For those men women and children who ran from bombs For those who sat in air raid shelters huddled together heads bowed in prayer who whimpered charred and shook with fear For the eyes that witnessed the fires that consumed homes in its wake The agonized violet waiting, the smell of streaming fires and flesh across the skies The piercing sirens and bombs exploding in the night To those who carved out hardships and rations To those who gave when there was none For those who lay unnamed in silent graves I give to thee all names on this dawn
── For without your lives given and taken I would have none.
To those who starved and were plagued in poor health, I give thanks today for the medicines and hospitals I thank thee for my life to sit in silence and for the abundances For my choices to eat food and drink clean water For the clear skies and this beautiful life.
── For my democratic rights were given to me
For the democracy to choose and for the freedom And those who stand today shoulder to shoulder Army, Navy, Air Force, and our four legged friends “We Serve” in naming but a few
Starched on this day are uniforms, medals and buckles sparkling boots spit polished to gleam For those now grey in repose in chairs and aided to stand to attention to salute comrades fallen
To the fallen thee died not in vain not through these eyes Tis we who salutes each of thee in thanks on this day
Created for our men and women as well as four legged friends that fought overseas who saw more than pain and suffering than the lofty ideals of todays insane logic, and for the twits that think war is good. War is not a computer game!