I think many people confused sadness with depression In an age where it is a competition to see who has it tougher Who tried to **** themselves more How many relatives and friends died around you Whoever cries the most wins As if troubled lives will pave the way to success Whoever is sad is treasured because they might have the potential to be the next big hit
Sadness is getting a bad quiz grade Sadness is teenage angst Sadness is rejections by the boy you kinda accidentally met eyes with a couple of times
Life is full of ups and downs It is statistically and scientifically impossible to be happy for all your life You have to go down at some point , just like you have to go up
Sadness is knowing you'll get back up
Depression is something else entirely
Sadness is not knowing you'll be happy , you just don't know how Sadness is not something you carve into your skin Sadness is not pretending to be dead while your thoughts wreak havoc inside your mind, leaving it a battlefield
Depression is sitting in the back of a huge auditorium trying to watch what's going on stage but all you can do is zoom in to blurred images Depression is not ending your life because it's too difficult Depression is thinking you don't have a life to end