You started out a trickle Ran down Turned dirt into mud played in shadow warmed in Sun
You gathered speed downhill eager to see further dying to know what strummed hidden strings inside to make music in silence.
A burn to know why fires raged the world
A burn to know what lie hidden behind it all
You traveled met other trickling streams
joined together shared a course became pathways turned corners sprinted free fell from heights exhilarated drops falling from peaks
something inside echoed to you
words dashed and skated from trees
glanced through tiger stripes danced free in meadow you strained to catch as many as you could flow out
intuition glistened you learned a lot every time you didn't listen to it.
Something always seemed to try and interrupt your flow
Continuing down you heard a mighty rush.
Exploration carving mountain veins in something bigger than yourself.
When you merged in river you were astounded by its width, marveled at its sheer power, respected its speed, drop by drop you grew.
Beneath a canyon moonlight draped its magic upon everything.
Sizzling violet freeze sneaking through yourself
Indestructible light hitting you shuttering thought opening knowing
lit up and transfixed you ran
gathering momentum you knew this body as one vessel
leaves drifted down you floated them to where they wanted to go.
Salmon flew up from below trying to spawn bruised and thrashed they kept going
Resilience against the stream crept into you, beckoned, turned a string, made a different sound, grew loud with change, something wild clawed your shine, drew you in, reversed the course, another tunnel underground opened up, you dove down, lost control, grew savage, turned hostile, lost speed, sat stagnant, began to stink, begged to feel light.
You ached to get back. Searching for escape you evaporated.
Dissolved in air.
Dreams carried you high white cloud absorption floating through blue waiting to cry
grey stained you left you stranded sky drift years passed lies became truth questions exploded wild wonder lost hope for river burning golden ropes through your heart
Dreams smashed October left it fluttering in bright annihilation.
Different strings played other tunes surprisingly rash and full of contempt, mashed you down.
A thousand feet of trample.
Distrust turned the world upside down
The moon disappeared left you incomplete and full of absence.
Melancholy meltdown
Wars raged within Love turned to hate spikes grew and twisted cold metal reflecting everything back to you
Mean chill bite crimson boiling scarred visions Lost friends
One night an angel came to you Spoke softly in a dream her radiated voice cradling your hope for what lie beyond
A flash of remembrance sizzles cuts shadows off your night full moon returns captures the sky You remember how to cry You fall Exhilarated
Knowing the river waits your return. One body moving fresh.
Pure shine of power Is yours again she will float you down the brilliant expanse of ocean patiently waiting to embrace you.