I stood on the shore. A great ocean called out to me. At first the fear gripped me. But then I decided to Sprint towards it. **** it, I thought. It's too beautiful not to swim out there.
I got lost in the waves, body surfing for years, lost in the roar and crash of it all. But as time passed something else beckoned me. I wanted to go past the waves to see what else was out there but I couldn't make it past the tremendous breakers.
I waited. I almost drowned. Pulled and dragged by rip tides, I was tossed around like a wounded puppy, I suffered and failed time and time again until one day the waves turned to glass and I made a break for it. I swam out there, headed for mystery and depth, I was tired but I kept at it.
The burning curiosity driving me.
What lies beyond the struggle?
When I went far enough Way Way out Hitting all the silence where words seemed unable to follow.
Submerged there, almost helpless in great depths I began to listen.
A great connection began to build.
It was there in the quaking waters of my heart I saw myself sparkling in every drop of water. Every single heart was connected too. No greater, no less than any other drop.
I realized I had to swim back to help the other shore dwellers realize this, only hoping they'd believe me. It was a grand idea, after all to believe in when one was raised in hell that was over run by vicious wolves teaching that hatred was strength, and love was weak. But I had to try even if only one person believed it.