I love you Lord I must confess That so sinning still you bless The grace you freely give Your death so I could live I don't deserve such love and care But even when I push you away, still you are there I want to love you like I say I do Like I know I do But in my humanity i struggle against the truth I love the light but the dark is comforting or at least more familiar Even the night is as bright as the day There is nothing that you can't see You also see deep into my heart and you know what lies there There is a burning fire hot and alive with love for you and all of your creation I would love to be set ablaze so I could start a fire the whole world over Even now with darkness in and around my heart you have given me a joy, a love, and a faith that burns bright and hot and steady and touches other people and I am so grateful Continue to be with me Lord this day and every hour of every day for the rest of my life Never let me go Lord Hold me to you and wrap me in your embrace Let your will be done in me that I could be like a lighthouse for someone who is lost in the darkness Keep your promise always Lord Thank you for keeping your promises! Amen.