First comes Winter crisp and strong, snowflakes dripped in gentle song. Masqueraded beneath bitter frost, mournful of something forever lost. Bewitched beneath her powdery white, brisk day recedes to bitter night.
Yet a frozen tundra never stays, as Spring appears to her dismay. From frigid ground her blossoms bloom no longer sealed by Winter’s doom. Sunlight seeps through frozen cracks Awakening a world dipped in black
Bathed within a morning glow, Summer sweeps in to steal the show. Golden hues of dazzling light, untouched by the murk of twilight. Blazing, scorching, her embers glow breathing life to the world below.
Murmured whispers lace the air at glimpse of Autumn tall and fair. Gazing upon the littered leafs their rusty tints show life so brief Knowing that Fall will succumb to snow, she braces herself for Winter’s blow.