N -ymph of the sea her grace adorn by emerald, pink morganite and - carnelian - G - oddess of love, beauty and trickery U - nder world shakins and falls its knees upon seeing her into Y - onder - wild and blue E - vil cripples by the lightness of her face, she is phenomenal N - othing can stand the gape of her elegance.
-Within her - T - antalizing eyes lie some magic love spell and tricks H - ow enticing, No wonder she wins every man’s heart - immortals or mortals especially Win I - n just a wink of an eye
M - ountains and seas bow their heads Y - ou'll fall into her without hope but desperation
D- on’t ever look at her eyes, you'll be U - under a life time spell and won’t ever wake up but if Y - ou want to be E - nchanted by her love N- obody would stop you except Win.