There are a lot misconceptions When it comes to *** And connecting ourselves in intimate And healing ways Enjoying and reveling in the pleasure Being able to be in the moment Truly awake and feeling ourselves Feeling our bodies And connecting with each other *** has the ability to be a very powerful thing It can transform two hearts It can be a very powerful and uplifting thing But unfortunately we have repressed ourselves Even though we have a hyper sexualized society We still repress ourselves in a lot of ways We have commodified ourselves And our bodies And commodified *** as well We need to be able to open ourselves up To the possibility that there might be better More whole ways to connect Connecting with ourselves fully Connecting with others fully In healing and intimate ways Because the way things are It's Only propagate loathing of yourself Loathing of your body Even loathing of the feminine And anything sensual We need to break free of this Because if we don't We will continue to have people That are lost and disconnected From themselves You will continue to have **** And you will continue to propagate The separation between the masculine and feminine Not allowing ourselves to connect In healing and sensual ways