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May 2017
there are leaves within the river
and anger floats alongside them
headed for its delta
to settle in the sea.

there are limits to your love
a hallway filled with doors
some locked, some not.
and you refuse to make the keys

there is a ******* word for you
but it is ice on the ***** of a deadly hill
and my words are welcomingly warm
and foreign to spitting bitter things

there is a thorn between my toes
from the excursion i've embarked
but my barefoot needs to keep in contact
to know i'm not within a dream

so i will throb and bleed
and leave behind a path,
so red and wet atop the forrest floor
alongside these leaves within the river
Written by
Kevin  somewhere in jersey
(somewhere in jersey)   
   FraisDeLaFerme and ---
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