I'm standing on the edge My toes hanging off the side The wind blows sweetly Rustling my hair And relaxing me Causing me to lean towards the void All around me I hear his voice whispering "You're beautiful" and "I'll always be there for you" I close my eyes And I can feel his hand in mine And his arms wrapped around me Then my head is filled with memories Of his lips Pressed against mine In the softest manner And then I'm Falling I've fallen in love with him And it's the most exuberant feeling The air rushes around me And makes me lightheaded It's like I'm flying And nothing can stop me All I hear is his voice Telling me I'm the only one for him Then... He Leaves I hit the ground Which seems to materialize underneath me And for months I lay there Broken Hurt And crying People try to help me up But I don't let them All I can think of Is him How could he make me fall for him When he had no intention Of catching me
Then you come along You mend my brokenness And help me to my feet And before I know it I'm on top of the building again And yet again The wind blows Trying to push me off the edge But this time I brace myself I don't want to fall And get hurt A second time I try to back away from the edge But something stops me I hear your voice Calling to me from below "I will never break your heart I swear" Slowly I move towards the side of the building I picture the times we've talked for hours The times you've held me when I cried The times you stuck by my side When no one else would "I'll never hurt you like he did" You whisper this in my ear As I drift off to sleep one night I never remembered until now And Then I Fall..