Avoid expectation At all costs Awareness is knowing when not to care Of course you care But you don’t concern yourself with lessons Or form Unless it’s your own The worst thing is to be afraid If you are a part of the scene Then you can be a cowboy in a commune It's an adventure without an agenda Try not to think about it Everything thing is a way out Nothing is anything The moment you feel different is the door All it takes is one person to get you There is no way to measure it It’s not popularity It’s not an ego You walk like a cowboy in a castle Take off your boots Or wear them But don’t make up your mind about it And don’t answer questions If anybody says they know you That’s just them It’s not you They tried to put you somewhere Somewhere that makes them feel better The best thing I ever did was stand up to a friend This is what I do This is what I’m going to do And being a man is not being a man It’s not being a woman It’s not being anything Except being what I feel