nope i lied i lied i lied i lied i lied i lied i lied i lied i lied what did i think this was, some kind of fairytale? some magic world where all the storms in my head could just be waved to a calm and i could just cary on living my life in a normal healthy happy way? am i that naive, even now? have i not been shown enough times just how very sick i am? can i not be capable of giving a **** about myself just once? am i just doomed to sit and punch myself in the stomach again and again and again and again and again and again till my knuckles turn blue and oh, what then? do i care? does it matter what happens to me when there are fifty-two reasons it shouldn’t matter and fifty-three why it does? i don’t know i don’t know don’t know don’t know but it’s time to go the heck to sleep, so why am i still writing?
this is a kind of a reaction to the last poem I posted I guess (???) oh man who knows