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Apr 2012
I know now
why you don't looka t me the same;
i miss the way you'd smile
all goofy and wide
just to make me giggle.
i know why everythings changed
i, i told you what really goes on
in my mind
and you looked repulsed
but only for a second
because you quickly replied
"I love you"
You only said that
because it's what
you thought you should say.
What were you supposed to say?
I know why you look at me twice
before you kiss me
it's because you're scared
of what i'll do to myself
and you know you
won't be able to stop it.
If this doesn't make any sense, then I'm sorry. I haven't slept well in days.
Written by
Madds  Melbourne
   Teagan, ---, Odi and Caroline Stradley
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