Spinning defiant on plain motivated by fierce performance we desire explosive Evergreens erupted in trance through churlish gusts.
Sleepless still by anxious chills, carousel ancient texts round my curiosity until I'm quenched, fill my open **** with lead-
dynamic to core you have cleaned away forlorn stains of lovers.
No longer conflicted, belligerent, or hostile I circle cordial giants in hopes to spread a torch.
Running below, this chorus hides in underground river where only the inquisitive explorer will find secret decorations, unfurling flexible flow.
Set fire to covers and toss your indigo stars into her fabled wishes hoping she transcends defeat.
Keen to mammoth masters and ascending ladders in which love has already conquered evil, if you reject compassion you run endangered risk of ruin.
Bottled up in diligent fiery crackle these embers are not human.
Old antagonistic teachers coveting remnants of smoky dreams, may the new loyal scent of kindred rain wash away your jaundiced collection of brainwashed lessons.
Keep my perspective wide open, don't forget to breathe in this place where humility is viewed as weakness.
They keep thinking I have not known horror, if I was to spill my past they might appreciate my fibrous connection to old growth forest and every storm unable to knock me down.
This cruel person who wished to destroy you only makes roots grow stronger.
No longer discreet in my old hideout hut of intentions I am well aware of who I am and what innovative wisdom I now dub my new cosmic colonel.
I have been digested into cynical intestines, yes I too ran the risk of complete and utter ruin, never certain if my convoluted confusion could spin again in heaven.
May your dreams all find The Evergreens and your spirit find The Master.