Love ***** I mean I don't even know if this is love This my problem I've never been in love Maybe I have I don't know People describe it to me They say 'trust me you'll know' But I don't think I will or can ever know I don't think I'm built to differentiate between real feelings and fake feelings I don't know what I'm feeling towards you But I get this sad feeling when we aren't talking When we aren't with eachother I guess that's love Or some twisted version of it I guess I'll just have to settle for it And I wish I just wish That I could say all of this to you And more And I know that life's too short to hold back But some part of me The cautious part of me Tells me to think twice about what I'm doing If I open up to you, what's the worst that could happen? But I can never read you I never know WHAT to think I never know what you think I don't want to feel like this Weak, vulnerable and needy I don't want to feel like control is not within my reach Be mine Forever But ******* ******* for making me feel like this For hating every moment since you've been in my life ******* for making me feel this way I'm weak Pathetic I thought I was stronger UGH I've never been the girl that sat around missing a mans presence But I guess fate has its own way of getting revenge Maybe I just feel too much Or just feel too deep Or think too much But I'm so detached at the same time So distant So complacent Maybe that's why I'm so confused Maybe that's why I'm just not so sure anymore About anything About me About you And about us If that even exists
I want to see inside of you Every last detail I see something in you Funny Because at first I didn't expect it I thought you were pretty average It turns out You're pretty cool And the best part is I don't even think you know it I don't think you can see what I see But what if it's just me What if it's my warped vision Trying to convince us both of a lie And hating you for telling the truth
First time I saw you I just knew I just knew...
I needed you to love me
Word *****. I'm choked up with emotions and no one to talk one that I want to talk to I don't even think this is what I wanted to say If you only you could see inside my mind, it's a lot more eloquent