there wasn’t a significant point in time when everything turned wrong I hadn’t woken up one day realizing that I was cursed like in a dream when you realize you aren’t awake and none of this is real but the feeling began somewhere I remember times when I felt home, never lonely since then there has been a gradual crushing silence a sharp knife cutting deeper and deeper with the weight of years of self hate and the months I had sat upright in bed as dust settled on my skin like opening the door of an attic for the first time after forgetting it even existed I knew I was already dead. someone told me: make your life worth writing about I thought of all the things I could say I thought of choking on them or swallowing them whole all the words and their combinations that could describe this era I have not learned yet of all the chapter books I created in my head mine is a story the world will never finish reading because it is dull and melancholy like the way every day feels the same all of the personal narratives and essays I had written in school were a lie I won’t write about the future I loathe the present whispers of the past made me numb although I don’t hate previous versions of myself I see them all individually as ordinary people I once was they could be anyone. I look into my mirror I liked it better with cracks and scratches because then I could see my genuine reflection nothing I tell myself is honest, I hide behind my own deception the daggers of delusion inches from my veins ready to slice me in two there is no such thing as an alter ego as much as my mind tries to convince me that I’m not alone that there are other personas living inside me and you only get to see one.