Her mind is as loud as a whistle blow I can see it in her smirk As we talk over dinner
I hear her silent sarcasm I’m not psychic But her wheels turn quickly enough That I know to be ready to dive into the dirt And out of her path
I hear her train comin’ See the coals burn in her eyes The way her eyelashes flicker flakes of cinder away
I feel one fall on my arm It singes my arm hair It smells like the square-root of burning bodies to an over exaggerator
This feels like
People who have prayed in silence And caught fire Because they were begging for the answers Before the bomb went off
They are souls who have been told Praying is a waste of time Wondering is a waste of time You don’t always get answers when you ask for them You don’t always get answers when you ask for them
Sometimes you’re lied to
Souls who have to learn to accept The helpless agenda of living
Whatever happens was supposed to happen If it wasn’t We wouldn’t be here
Ready for the fire Ready for the whistle blow Ready for the hog-tie train track love she has to offer
I ask Do you still love me?
She picks up her glass of wine Sips it Leaves a stain of lipstick on the rim