this is going to be an onomatopoeia, it has to be, and nothing else; because it has to be so... and nothing else? imagine writing a word in italic - surely you'd realise to indicate a comma somewhere in that stylicism? it's the opposite of any known suffix -ology - a bit like fashion, but indeed, more discreet when it comes to: but so! the necessary! but if i were to write a word in italics, for emphasis, i'd have to include a punctuation mark to take a breather and pause, to add the intended emphasis... but obviously i would do what chemists do, reversing what the mathematicians do... i wouldn't subscript the "attention-deficit-disorder" i'd launch the ****** into "outer space"! italic' - yep... the comma is on the ceiling... eddie izzard... the mouse the cat the monkey... under the table, on the chair... on a branch... and this really does tie into the practice of the diacritical approach... sorry... i can't do the dialectical condescending approach... it's been done... it's done... it's been dusted... it's silverware that's been polished over 2000 ******* times! but let's just say you want emphasis.... so you use the mighty tool of skewed press... post-truth... that sort of ****... you write... em... the broom' is hiding in the cupboard! see that"? the comma just jumped to the ceiling! because you can just make emphasis and expect people to punctuate it correctly... just like you can't say, in english, that a word ending with -s can have another s added to it, to indicate the ****** obvious... e.g. snakes' alt. snakes's says? no! snakes'sez... fez! fez! that funny egyptian head-gear under the ottomans' governship. just so you know... the media just writes: snakes's - i.e. it belongs to a lot of snakes... whatever that is. by now i'm thinking of the aesthetic: the comma has to drop, it has to drop pretending it's a scared cat clinging to a chandelier... so to indicate a plural ownership i'd just write snakes, the comma just dropped... and there was no talk of ᛋᛋ... and you thought the gender neutral pronoun "debate" was bad... how about i tell you how to write, the most, perfect' onomatopoeia.... what bird? the ****** cuckoo! 'ere goes: kú kūł ká that acute á? just a missing exclamation mark... ! the ł? 2 omicrons and a dabble u short... of a w. looks like it's a double v... but never mind. but diacritical markings are literally punctuation marks for syllable ingestion... i can't believe i'm repeating this, but then i compensate that idea with: ink, coal, me, coalminer.... this... coal mining; repeat repeat repeat.