Love. What a concept. To love, and to be loved. They say Im strong for loving you, Brave for pushing through, For staying when things get out of control. They say I'm selfless for the never ending chances I give out. But how does loving someone who doesn't see my worth make me strong? How does unconditional forgiveness make me brave? How does reliving the same pain over and over again make me special?
I see nothing but a coward. A woman afraid to be treated right. Afraid to be alone. Afraid to give up hope.
I see a fool. Foolish enough to believe mere words.
Love is an action word.
If you loved me the way I loved you... the way you say you do... it would change you.
The world would know.
If you loved me the way you say you do, we wouldn't be here.
I wouldn't feel alone.
I wouldn't be on the brink of simply ending it all.