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Apr 2017
It's hell to be the ones we love.

Daylight shadows disguised in trees
To shadows in curtains blowing in the breeze
While exploring those legs, smooth and long
Your eyes glazed, soothed in songs.
but not in love,
That emotion, needing to be void of.

For it's hell to be the ones we love.
The ones in life we used to adore.
Other stars brighter as days grow darker,
the moon eclipsing the sun before
Thinking together we knew us better
Than anybody who claimed to know us more.
That our closest friend was you a stranger
Was the strangest paradox of life we swore.

It's hell to be the ones we love
That which is born of many hard years
Held to a golden standard above.
Every year together, the bloodier the tears
Tormenting vows, rebelling in actions,
Questioning truths, shaking their fears
Shooting pain killers to dull those emotions,
Then killing those fears as the end nears.

It's hell to be the ones we love.

Enticed by new eyes that glaze in ecstasy
Abandoning old eyes that crave for love.
atomic blue
Written by
atomic blue  M/San Francisco
(M/San Francisco)   
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