i wish it was as simple as spelling mistake to correct it... but having the concept regarding this puzzle as: x 0 x doesn't help... well, it really is XOX of japan... you have complex phonetic encoding, mathematics is like children playing with g.i. joes... you squirming... or squinting? i'll have to wait for tomorrow's newspaper to get the answer as to where i made the mistake... like i made the mistake in no. 8942 with the nine in the 1 6 8 7 2 5 3 9 4 lower square... oh right... this is the part where i'm supposed to be jealous with you getting all the *****? to be honest? two cats are already too much to handle... you can have your little jealousy-magnetism objects that women become... it's almost 7pm around here, and i'm about to finish a litre of swedish ***** (absolut)... i'm trying to be bothered... i just made a mistake solving a su doku, that might be nothing more than having writen a 9 wonky... or some other number... but until tomorrow's press doesn't print the solution... i won't know where i went wrong... well... hello raisin madam! you have that produce in the heavenly harem of islamic martyrs? is this the part where you tell me: exercise! i really can imagine that kind of hell... what they call heaven i just call hell... it's like ******* two-point-oh... oh right?! i have to **** these women i'm not attracted to? and there's 72 of them? oh crap. guess what dating app. they have in iceland... guess! they match up based on their genes... that's what they have in iceland... as an island community they match up, based on their genome... if they're 2nd or 3rd generation cousins the phone app. alerts them that they're related in a too close a proximity and that they shouldn't move toward having offspring. i opened today's newspaper and read the news, and then thought: horror movies are the equivalent of softcore if a pornographic analogy is permitted... in terms of what journalism covers... horror movies are romance... this **** covers the utter mind-numbing *******.