Having a seizure is like falling losing all sense of direction Feeling as though your body is battering Itself in a sense of constant emergency Feeling as though you're in danger of shattering.
Having a seizure revolutionizes the definition of the word pain When your brain starts to buzz And your blood starts to boil You lose all your faith in the world once loyal
I was in class one day writing a story while i was supposed to be listening The world that day seemed to be glistening But then it began It's like my heart got up and ran I thought i had it but then it slipped through my fingers like sand
It's hard to explain but i'll give it a try. Have you ever wondered what it feels like to die When your body gives way and screams out for help When it feels like something is Tearing through every inch of your body as if trying like hell to make your insides become out
To have a seizure is to know vulnerability To make your body a breeding ground for hostility When you fall to the floor and lose your sense of movement Your back arching so far St. Louis would make you a monument
The body is savage Inflicting maximum damage As electricity coursed through my body and lets me know that i am his
I was walking down the hallway one day and this girl i had just met stop me She had grabbed my arm I didn't know she was there so i was bound to give her the stare The one that says daddy didn't raise no fool She stuck her face real close to mine and said Hiiiii Condescending and quite rude but go with it I said hi back and we talked about our class we had together And then i said it
Sorry i have to go i have to get to my college class now And then the world slowed down as she said to me Wow I just assumed you were *******
And in what i think is a natural response I wanted to deck her so hard she wouldn't be able to get back up. But the devil lost that day and i simply said No and walked away
She wasn't the first of offenders Sometimes i wish society could be censored But instead i let them find bliss in their ignorance
The next time you laugh and say “Dude are you having a seizure ,” The answer is no because if they were they’d know what it feels like to fall