Crystal eyed warrior, jaded heart *****, the toad and all his brothers die, they bequeath a rancid stench. The wilderness is pretty lots of animals and such, things that are carnivorous things with talons sharp to touch. Poison all to prevalent, find it deep within the filament so it's really not surprising how some really can't catch the sentiment.
Crystal skinned warrior, jaded soul *****, they cleaned and buried fallen arms who's souls shall warm the bench. Existence is a cry from good, it really is, this **** is wack. Animals in human skin, with rainbow brains and souls of black.
Crystal Blade Warrior and the Jaded Crown Prince, juxtapose scenarios until your lines begin to bleed. As scabs and scuffs, we seeds and tuff, chase dreams of gold and platinum touch. Humans are a joyous bunch a ***** diamond, in the rough.
#npmdiamond Value yourself, but, worthless people are still worthless. Good and Bad.