I see the sky above me I feel the earth beneath me I see the sun in the sky And I see the moon Shining down I see the stars Shining bright To lead our way When we are lost in the night We all see the same sky We all feel the same earth Underneath our feet We all look at the same moon We all feel the same sun Shining down from above Giving its life bringing Glow to us all Touching us all the same We all look at the same moon The stars are there for us all to see As long as we still feel the same Earth Underneath our feet And as long as we feel the same sun Bearing down on us all the same As long as the stars still cover The sky at night As long as we look at the same moon in the sky And as long as we still look at the same sky above We are all connected We are connected through the Earth No matter how different we are Or how different our experiences are We are all connected by the Earth We all share the same home We are all children from the same mother Giving life and breath to us all