to exonerate the clippings they took the back road to oswega the tudor house rabbits had long lost their heads (presumably to the *****) and what remained of the landscape was dead and dry and orange
that happy home on the brink of cattle loop was now gull grey the needles and stragglers from shady bay remained (in growing numbers) on the outskirts of the driven back park
the once fabled town of horse drawn tours and dignitaries was stone washed ~ on the back of it's government docks sat decrepit toppers set against the high tide beside the lighthouse and its measured song
flutes and fiddlers and acoustic sitars ride the accompaniment nose rings and signage in the hands of staged protesters the sickly spit strewn with tidal run and ocean bags
hedgerows trimmed along the sea side rolling hills fade adjacent the chuck mint juleps and flop hats peak on the parade clydesdales and royals blinded in the back