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Mar 2011
My Vellum

Alluring and demure
In your virginity
Never yet
Creased nor crumpled
Your tight young corners
Remain stiff and pert
In their newness
Your long lithe sides
Tense for my careful touch
Lest blood be spilt

My gold nib
I dip
In midnight ink
Piercing its surface skin
And lift

It drips


Back to their bottle

My hand is poised
Over your pristine smoothness
And with calm precision
I carve broad majuscules
That twist and cut
To hairlines of breathtaking
Intimate intricacy

Quick teasing serifs
Long lingering descenders
Strokes of tactile

Then stand back

In wonder at
Your calligraphic beauty
© Marcus Lane 2010
Marcus Lane
Written by
Marcus Lane  Thanet, Kent, ENGLAND
(Thanet, Kent, ENGLAND)   
       Fsuiominn, H, rlp, Lee, CG Abenis and 5 others
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