You, sir, are talking To the child who has raised children. To the girl who worked a full time job when she was eleven. To the girl who has won fist fights with men twice her age and size. Who walked away with bruised ribs and never cried. To the girl who has gone more than four days without eating. Who has slept on the moth eaten couches of strangers. The girl who When she was fifteen, Took her fourth grade education Taught herself multiplication And now studies particle physics for fun.
When you look at me. What you see is a weak, Insecure, little girl. But I've fought my way through hell And have come out victorious. While you've been sitting on your Trust fund sofa.
You think you have the upper hand And that will make winning easy. I'd rather be a friend, But make no mistake I'm a formidable enemy.
Don't think for a second that you can Treat me the way you did today And walk away unscathed.