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Mar 2017
Tedd. Tedd are you there
Tedd it's officer falìz, I need to talk to you
Tedd your mother told us
It's ok ted you are going to be ok
Please let me in ted it's only myself
... door opens
Thank you
How are you doing today
Are you safe?
No harm?
So tell me
-what's going on
What do you mean what's going on?
Tedd your mother told me about her
Where is she and why have you done this
I'm not telling you
- I didn't do anything and I want you to leave
Tedd please work with me. You're safe with me
How can I tell you when I see you in uniform
- how do I know you don't have a wire
- or that you arnt going to arrest me or turn me in or whatever you superficial narcs do.
Tedd please work with me, I talked with your mother and she told me everything
I know Teresa hurt you badly. And she had no right to and you even had right to react but tedd this has happened before and we need to start doing something about this
I don't need help. I don't need to tell you and I don't need my ******* mother telling you what I tell her in privacy
- now please leave before I do to you what I did to Her
Are you threatening me tedd?
Just please leave
I'm not leaving until I see her
Well then ur going to have to go to the grave because I killed her
Ted please tell me this isn't true
It is true. And now I'm to **** you
Ted please don't do this.
And because you know now and because you're a cop I have to **** you.
Ted please we can get you help and get you out of here without trouble and you can have a normal life again.
Hahahaha what the **** is normal. I haven't know normal a day in my life. I haven't know normal since normal was too kind to see.
I suggest you leave now so you don't have to see your own death.
Tedd I'm not going to leave
Tedd put the gun down
I'm not leaving
Put it down tedd
I swear to god tedd put the ******* gun down now
*two shots ring
Send an ambulance we have a victim down
923 Jackson blvrd
8:27 am Tuesday morning of march the 12th
Tedd Nelson Roberts the subjects named
History of mental disorders and recent disturbances
- thank you officer falìz on our way

Tedd I told you I wasn't going to leave and we could have helped
..... I didn't **** her, she killed me
Jack tierney
Written by
Jack tierney
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