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Mar 2017
that "jewish" game of gematria;
major downfall...
                 i just want to get from a
to b...
                    am i dyslexic because
i don't remember the actual order of
citing the alphabet?
       well... you never learned this
alpahabet as i did: in sing-along fashion...
       i don't even remember...
well i do remember how it goes...
a b c d e f g, h i j, k, m n ello ello p...
    s t u, v, x y zee...
                   probably the best time to cite
a non-native giving you the alphabet
sing-along tune...
                 i've got bigger fish to fry, to be honest...
actual words...
            does learning the alphabet sequence
provide any worthwhile aid?
     probably not...
                       unlike the chinese i can actually
encompass the entire vocab. material...
     apart from specialist words, that are
another way of saying: covert.
                         really? learning the alphabet
sequence will make you remember so many
linguistic connections?
                  some say english is easy, some say
it's difficult... depends on your accent i guess...
but with this current internet alter-media
outlets i'm thinking: nigel rees would have to
write another 10 or more so pages adding
them to his phraseology comepedium (n)
         (phrase e ology)
                        i'm just translating the tongue
from alive, to dead, akin to the "supposed"
death of latin... dead as in: including latin prefixes
and suffixes?
            co-      pre-       pro-?       veto!
     yeah, so dead... that we still use the optics
of encoded sound! dead as dead can be!
              forest 'ucking 'ump... gumbo!    d'uh!
  but on a serious note...
                this is spy talk... 5th column?
                                         i got past the phrase
3rd world... what's the 4th column?
                                   i can understand the "phrase"
project... but... what the hell is 5th column?
          is that like: when newspaper have
a leading article on page one...
and they run out of space to finish the article
off on the same page, and write a p.s.
               telling you: turn to page 4, column 5?
typically two rivers... two...
                                overt and covert...
sure as **** (verbal etiquette? you a swedish
princess about to throw this exhuberant
banquet or something? so no, no change
                              in this utilißation)
indeed... in english the german ß is not a sharp s,
as in pass (gaß)...
                                           zee you!
            i zee you!          it's a ****** nightmare
when it's not (but it is) an interchange of the s
and the zed...
                             stretching a cobra into a more
rigid shape, one that prevents the snake from slithering
away in curvature...
                                  they're cousins anyway
(the letters)... why not create a siamese out of them,
as in ß?
                         now ś (acute) i could understand as
sharp... it is rather piquant...
                    what was it? originally?
gematria... sing-along alphabet curse...
                   ß vs. ś           (almost all of this particular
slavic language, when it comes to accents
     moves from the east...  /               ,
              you'd think they'd allow a western wind
of diacritical            \              but no no,
they rather move west);
   and no, i don't have time or the bother to
practice gematria...
                         to me it's the downfall of the jews
in a spiritual sense,
   if the practice was "etymologically"
                sourced as: assyrian-babylonian-greek-roman...
but roman doesn't even come into the equation...
          the romans had too much difficult
number encryption... let's say:
try rewriting newton using I V X L C D M   (7)
                      this has to be the most mysterious
part of the roman empire's history...
                      and there's no other...
         the greeks just countered this point with: 6 6 6...
or               Χ ξ ς'...
              alternatively (hopefully they'll match up to
the above stated 7 variables):
        Χχ (chi)                Ξξ (xi)
                                                      Σσς (sigma)
or                 ς'... which equates to the prior stated
   soft g.. or ksi or... just listen to rotting christ's
          album κατa τon δαiμoνa eαγτog...
and sure enough, 7 'ere, and 'even 'ere mate.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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