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Mar 2017
A poem to you
my dear sweet friend
with golden waves
such as sunlight sea
and bright rays of beauty

Thou art the fairest
The kindest, the sweetest
like honey against the tongue
joyous laughter like a melody newly played
thank you for our friendship

I will cherish our memories
and hope to see you soon
for I already miss the little sunshine
I had gotten from you

So, a poem to you
my dear sweet friend
remember how loved you are
how important you are to this world
and that your words will live on
your gentle soul
and your kind eyes
for the friendship you have given was enough to light our whole atmosphere
every star, sun and moon envious of your brilliant light
that brief, sweet sunrise you shared with me.
© Madelaine E. Base 2017
Madelaine E Base
Written by
Madelaine E Base  17/F
   R Arora
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