There is a trinket A treasure that we all have Just waiting to spring We have a treasure inside of ourselves That not many people find Some people spend their whole lives Searching for that one thing That everyone has It's in the heart of a child It's locked away Just waiting to be found Just waiting to be accessed When the world starts to turn on us When it seems like things Are not quite going as planned When we have to make it through the storm And when we feel like life Just keeps throwing one curve ball After another It's hope We all have the ability to hope To dream And to love With hope we can get through anything It gives you the strength To carry on in even the darkest times We must be willing to find that hope That lies dormant within all of us Or we will inevitably get lost Losing ourselves more and more To an unrelenting world It can be easy to lose sight of who we are It can be even easier to lose hope altogether But if we hold onto hope If we keep it in our grasp We can move mountains And do great things That we might not have thought We were capable of