The way the lights touch my eyes isn't as magical to you now as it was before— it's now the very thing you're trying to avoid looking at.
Your voice doesn't shake for joy When your friends utter my name. You say some things go rotten when you don't talk about it.
I told you about the song I kept playing on repeat For you it was like some bad memories that you never want to look back at again.
You listen to new songs, too, though. But the way your eyes light up when you hear them Isn't the way I was used to I couldn't find parts of me there. It's not me who has not combed her hair in ages that still looks beautiful in your eyes. It's not me who you want to dance in the moonlight with. It's not my eyes you want to see When the presence of the stars feel like a dream. It's not me who you want to spend time making sense of the universe with.
I could not give you what you deserve I'm happy you're learning to look for it in someone else.