You are the primary colors in their purest form. The following argument explains why:
Red People tend to associate red with danger, but you are not a warning sign. You represent the russet in a robin's breast feathers, the imaginative crimson passion only humans can produce. Constantly moving, thriving, your brain is multiple shades of garnet gems - I can feel it in your skin when I finally get to massage your heated veins. Your flaming vermilion soul is the only one to match my own.
Blue You are the calmest turquoise ocean, yet you pulsate with every breath. There are so many varieties of blue found in nature, and I can hear all of them when your fingers tap an instrument. Your music turns broken energy into waves and waves and a soft, steady breeze. I will take a dip into your teal silk arms and stay for eternity. Sapphire isn't a way to the blues; it's a realistic path to tranquility and the deepest skylines.
Yellow You are golden beyond all other beings. The warmth of your smile, your soft eyes are a glowing reminder of your effervescence. There's a child-like wanderer in your heart that's seeking ecstasy and the opportunity to bring us absolute bliss. This is the part of you that makes you part of everything. You are daises and sunshine. You are in my favorite yarn and the amber streak on an otherwise empty canvas.
Overall You are a prism of idealistic intensities, saturation and pigments that are lost on the unexceptional. Your arc of varied hues gleam beyond what a human should be capable of mastering.