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Apr 2012
They say is always darkest before dawn, but rarely does the night shade linger with the suns grace rising above the mountain peaks. Another morning another misfortune for I stand here watching the sun rise alone and cold. The suns rays slowly reaching and taking hold against my skin, but this doesnt matter, the flesh still has a remainder of chill to it. Turning away from the glimmer of hues that now take the day, but instead turn to the ground. Eyes shift about as if looking for something, but there is nothing in sight to take hold besides the green that lays about at my feet. How I wish for something in this life, someone to take me by the hand and give me the knowledge to know everything will be fine as long their by my side, but all of those thoughts seem to drift away like a boat on the sea. This numbness that has taking me shifted me away from the world I once new. I've become deranged and confused about my own image. Have I become someone without a heart? Someone who image that has shift from that of a man into that of a monster? Placing my hand about to take in its sight. Normal. Nothing about them seem out of the ordinary. Eyes shifting now back to the rising sun to be blinded by its rays. How I wish the flames of this ball would just consume me. Leaving me to nothing more then a pile of ash to be swept away by the wind. I can feel a chill run down my spine at the thought of it all. Is death the right way to end all these troubles? Or could there be a way out of this mess? Inhaling just to exhale a small mist would just to prove that there is still a chill umong my body. How can someone so numb learn to feel? How can someone so monstrous ever be purged of its sins, let alone its looks. How can... I stop myself before I let my mind be plagued any further. A name is then call from far out in these woods I stand in. Only I thought myself alone, but I guess I was wrong. The sound of the voice becomes more clear and as it does a rustling in brush about a few feet from me. A male that rises from the brush, he seems so normal, and by normal not anything like me. His eyes lock on mine and I can already senese his fear. I dont blame him, for its not every day you come across a monster. He watches me very closely before he draws his blade. Does he really wish to slay me? Or does he only wish to protect himself from an attack that I've been plotting in the back of my mind. This familiar male points the tip of his blade in m direction and slowly begins to speak. "I've been looking for you. You who has killed thousands with a mere glare of those eyes. You who has deceived so many only to leave them in a pool of their own crimison. I today shall cast you out of this world." He gains his footing. I attempt to speak, but instead of words its almost a growl or a small roar that slips threw my lips.I know this are my last moments for I am unarmed and not only this, but to his credit I have killed many leaving their corpses to rot within the ****** moon. As I start forward I feel a quick pain and then my legs slip out from under me. I fall to my knees. /he has already struck and in my last moments I place my hand over this wound. Blood in which is to be a warm ooze slips threw my vains as lifeless as I shall soon become. No warmth not even in death as my body plummits to the floor. The male walks over, his eyes fixed on me as he pushes my body to the side with boot making sure that I lay there lifeless and never to rise again. Now his face is clear to me as I take my last breat. His face is my own, but not that shadowed in depths of hate and agony. As I take my last breath I can feel nothing and then everything goes black. Knowing now this beast has be slain I looks into the morning sky feeling its warmth.
Bryce Sellers-Booth
Written by
Bryce Sellers-Booth
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