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Mar 2017
Christ the messiah, my greatest desire
My first love, not from me but for me
U see he loved me before I came
Before I was formed or born
Before the *******
Before my journey on this course

Christ the only one who loves me because of who he is
Irrespective of who I am or what I am or what I do or how or when I do it
He loves me still
And even though I took so long to realize
See even though I stayed so long hurting him
Humans like me put a nail through him
A spare to his side
Crown of thorns to his head
Whips, bruises
All for me was taken

Christ the one who receives my calls even without network
Even when I no call, He answers
The One that is stuck to me like glue
When every one left me without a clue
U Never left me too
programmed to love me like a robot
And your love for me...robust

Christ the oluwa that is always involved in my matter
As he made my life his alma matter
It's clear to him I matter
And so no matter the matter
He never dumps me for any matter
Cause to him am the main matter

Christ our messiah our maker
Our elohim, the only him
Our father, our brother,
My friend, my real Guy
I am thinking what will you and I or we do when we see him
His glory radiating
Angels surround him
Mighty, beautiful, handsome, pretty, gorgeous
Our father finally, we meet.
What will you and I or we do when we see him

Will you lift up your voice and worship him
Cry out with a loud voice agbadagbururu
Kabiesi, I worship u, I worship u
Sing a song, do a dance,
A stunt, jump, cry, smile laugh shout

Or will u just stare overwhelmed by his glory
Bilweldered by his presence
Unable to speak because words cannot describe
Unable to sing because no song has the lyrics to ascribe
Unable to move, or smile or talk or laugh or think
With your mouth open, eyes wide open staring,
Brain searching for words

Christ, omini awesome
Omini too good
Jehova overdo
Jehova swheet jehova shoft
Am still thinking what will I do when I see you.
This piece unlike all other poems is different because it uses a few Nigerian languages including pidgin English. Enjoy the piece. Read it as written, pronounce the words as spelt. It's not typo. It's the style! Thank you.
obaraye Efosa
Written by
obaraye Efosa
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