I wished this I wished that I regret I let my tongue get caught by the cat I regret I saw all the red flags And ignored it I've taken responsibility for that I didn't make you do any of those things I can't take responsibility for your acts It took two If only I wasn't the other half At least it never got that bad I know I'm slightly hypocritical Because I'll still laugh at these ******* who choose to spread their own legs yet find every excuse to blame everyone else but themselves I can't say I'm perfect Cause there's no such thing At least I can say, I'm better I can't hold my tongue any longer **IT MAY TAKE TWO BUT IT ONLY TAKES ONE TO WALK AWAY FROM THE CONSEQUENCES
If you don't want the consequences and the other person does or doesn't want them or care then it's YOUR job to walk away and YOUR choice to actually do it.
*Of course when you only think about yourself that is where the stupidest choices are made*